Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fit for the Holidays...

For most people this is often the most challenging time of year to get and stay healthy. Whether it's the holidays themselves, holiday parties, co-workers so "kindly" bringing in goodies to share, grabbing food on the go while out shopping, going out of town, short days, etc... It's easy to fall off the wagon when temptation is all around. 

BE STRONG! It's tough I know. I struggle with it too, but I'm here to share some tips on how you can stay healthier for the holidays. You will have all the tools to start your new year off ahead of the game! As hard as it is to resist temptation at times, when you do it makes you feel empowered!. (At least for me it does. I will share a little story at the end.) When I give in I feel weak and guilty mentally, and physically the results aren't great either.  Others have told me they feel the same. Of course it's okay to indulge every once in a while if you've earned it (I don't necessarily recommend naughty food as a reward though. How about a new shirt!), but during the holidays people start making indulgences a habit. You know who you are you daily eggnog latte drinkers!

Since food seems to be the main culprit I will cover nutrition first. SET GOALS and HAVE A PLAN! When you set goals you have a reason to stick to your plan. Without them you will find yourself eating mindlessy and before you know it you have racked up a bazillion extra calories. Ask yourself, should I eat this? Have I already had my fair share of treats? Will this make me feel good? Will eating this put me closer to my goals? Am I willing to put in the extra effort to burn off the damage? It's usually pretty obvious what the answer is. 

So, what should you do when hitting up all those holiday festivities? Eat something clean/healthy before you go. You aren't as tempted when you have a full tummy. Maybe just allow yourself something small at the party, or opt for the healthiest option on the table. 
What do you do about all the homemade goodies at work for all to share? Always have healthy snacks on hand so when you walk by that plate of pumpkin bread or sugar cookies you can pop some cinnamon sprinkled almonds in your mouth instead or some fresh fruit to help that sweet tooth. I find that different flavors of gum can help, too. 
What do you do when going out of town or someone else's home for the holidays? Pack some easy on-the-go snacks/meals like protein powder, oats, almonds, fruit, veggies. When going to someone else's home offer to bring a side dish or two and make it a healthy one. Then you can be sure to have a clean option. 
One last tip that helps is drinking water when having a craving. It makes you feel full and many times dehydration is what triggers those cravings. Try water with lemon or cucumber for a hint of flavor.

It's true that you are what you eat, mentally and physically it shows. Nutrition plays the biggest role in getting and maintaining a fit and healthy bod.  It takes a little extra effort, but it's worth it to feel and look better! 

Now to staying active/exercising during the holiday season. It's really as simple as you either do it or you don't. You make time or you don't. Whether it's your priority or it isn't. Your health should always be your first priority. Here are some pointers to keep you going: 
- Find a buddy with similar goals. You guys can hold each other accountable and it makes it more fun. It's also a great way to spend quality time to catch up.
- Hire a trainer. Not only will he/she hold you accountable and give you a good butt kicking, but when you are spending your hard earned dollar chances are you are going to make the most of it.
- If you are going out of town or don't have a gym around, no problem! If the weather is decent go for a brisk walk/run. Otherwise, always take with you a jump rope and bands which take up very little room in your bag. There are endless workouts you can do with a jump rope and bands. If you don't have those items opt for some body weight or plyometric exercises that don't call for any equipment that will surely get you sweating.
- Round up your family/friends for a game of flag football. This is a fun way to burn calories without feeling like you are working out, and it get's everyone else active too.

Now you don't have an excuse not to stay on track. Well, maybe you have a million excuses, but they are just that...EXCUSES! I have faith in you. You CAN be fit for the holidays. I will commit myself to doing the same so I can set a good example.

Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, happy training and healthy eating to you!!! :)

Happy Holiday Season (Christmas, New Year, etc...)

The short story I promised you:
I had made some nutritional choices over a couple day period that I wasn't very proud of, so back on the wagon it was. That very day my husband decides to invite a couple of friends to get lunch at a place that only offers burgers, fries and beer. Very delicious burgers and fries might I add. I said no way. I definitely have not earned that meal. I made a bet with my husband that for a half hour massage (that he has yet to give me) and a pedicure (by a professional, not him) that I would not give in. Not a single bite of anything. He was hesitant at first, but then he must have remembered how much I LOVE french fries and soon doubted my will power. It was a bet! We get to the tavern with our friends (after an entire morning of intense cardio and working out), they order their food and I order my water. Out comes the the yummy burgers with special sauce and hot, greasy, fresh-cut french fries. It smelled so good sitting right there in front of my face. Mark was even so kind to hold the burger up to my mouth and ask if I wanted a bite...evil! I didn't do it. I was strong. Not a single bite. With the bet in place it was actually pretty easy not to give in. I had to prove a point and I did. I have to be honest, before going I even questioned if I could/would stay strong. I left feeling proud. Mark admittedly left feeling irritated that I won, hehe!

The moral(s) of the story:
-If you have to make a bet to make healthy choices, DO IT! It works.
-Having a plan and sticking to it feels good.  Makes you feel strong and proud.


1 comment:

  1. I love this site Colbs, Great Idea!!! I will be checking in regularly. Love ya, Kim
